P.S. 我愛你 http://video.baidu.com/p?word=PS%CE%D2%B0%AE%C4%E3&pos=3&s=2
P.S. I love you. 詞:鄔裕康 曲:劉勇志
我想要成為你的眼 把最美的風景收進你的心中
I want to be your eyes. Collect all the most beautiful seeing into your heart.
我想要成為你的手 好讓我從現在到以後 佔有你溫柔一刻不放過
I want to be your hands. So i can have your tender in every minute from now on
恨不得把明天沒收 讓你永遠不會變動 專注的愛著我
Hope to put tomorrow in self pocket, so you will not move, focus on loving me.
我愛你沒有保留 我愛你就到最後
I love you without hesitate. I love you to the end.
有些人值得等候 有些悲傷值得忍受
Someone is worthy to wait. Some sarrow is worthy to tolerance.
我愛你不是衝動 生命盡頭反正一場空
I love you is not an impulse. Life to the end is empty.
只要你記得 我們那麼愛過
Only remember, we love so much.
我要替你收集笑容 怕未來快樂變得貴重
I want to help you to collect all your smile. Be afraid of happy becomes too valuable.
要是少了我 你有多寂寞
If without me, how much lonely you will have.
恨不得把明天沒收 讓你永遠不會變動 專注的愛著我
Hope to put tomorrow in self pocket, so you will not move, focus on loving me.
我愛你沒有保留 我愛你就到最後
I love you without hesitate. I love you to the end.
有些人值得等候 有些悲傷值得忍受
Someone is worthy to wait. Some sarrow is worthy to tolerance.
我愛你不是衝動 生命盡頭反正一場空
I love you is not an impulse. Life to the end is empty.
只要你記得 我們那麼愛過
Only remember, we love so much.
太陽不會放棄天空 哪怕你不再屬於我
Sun will not give up sky. However you will not belong to me.
I will give you hugs from the different window.
我愛你沒有保留 我愛你就到最後
I love you without hesitate. I love you to the end.
有些人值得等候 有些悲傷值得忍受
Someone is worthy to wait. Some sarrow is worthy to tolerance.
我愛你不是衝動 生命盡頭反正一場空
I love you is not an impulse. Life to the end is empty.
只要你記得 我們那麼愛過
Only remember, we love so much.
我忘不掉 你第一次吻我
I can't forget, the first time you kiss me.